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Other one in a sentence

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Sentence count:90+4Posted:2018-08-01Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: the other oneperonheronoperonzerothveronaperoneushyperon
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31. She left everything to the son in the will she gave him, and everything to the daughter in the other one.
32. The other one jumped into the driver's seat and the car roared off as if they were going to a fire.
33. Counting on the stillness of her own soul, she had forgotten the other one: the soul of her baby girl.
34. I started regular water changes, and one fish now eats a little, but the other one spits it out.
35. Walking home, he goes through one large garden gate, only to see the other one fall down.
36. When you bring together two polar opposites,[ one.html] the classless one will always drag the other one down.
37. She hit the other one, and then sat stock-still; tears ran from her closed eyes.
38. One of her feet curled over the top of the other one, and rubbed it affectionately.
39. She had already had one of her hips replaced and the other one was going the same way.
40. But the other one has run of toilet paper.
41. The other one is video communication technology.
42. One is the conic treatment method with fixed water-head, and the other one is conicoid treatment method with changing water-head.
43. Later the shooting was fired and two people wounded , one falling in the blood pool while the other one covering his neck with hands and runing away in a car with a ecdemic license.
44. Parents often balance other, with one the worrier and the other one remaining calm.
45. The experiment was dispart into two groups, one was judged in single umpire system, with the other one judged in double umpire system.
46. You can write one of them as a constant times the other one, and that constant usually one uses the Greek letter lambda. I don't know if you have seen it before.
47. What! A big bloke like you, beaten by his wife! Pull the other one; it's got bells on.
48. One of them was the Physical Construction, and the other one was the Brush Construction.
49. One of them is the forward rate and the other one is inflation indexed interest rates.
50. The other one is to analyze Address Resolution Protocol(ARP) and implement the transparency of the security and encryption route platform to the original network structure by ARP cheat technology.
51. When you pay attention to one, the other one tends to slip off.
52. The other one which is also playfully known as "woman's tongue" is Flame of Forest (Delonix regia). Its long bending pods do have the shape of a tongue.
53. But Scorpio has two rulers, and the other one is Pluto.
54. The dog will pick a quarrel with any other one he meets.
55. And the other one, we've got an ionizer that,'s an industrialized one, and within three hours, we can pull the smell out of the room.
56. The other one was the combination compound option which was produced by the characteristic of multiple options of ship investment.
57. A The other one just doesn't work. You cannot take X times A if A is a square matrix and X is a column vector.
58. The other one is to apply multiple sorts of orthogonal signal transformation to extract the information of the targets.
59. One of the oscillator is used as modulation wave generator, and the other one is used as output pulse generator.
60. Here it is, the red traveling bag, but I can't find the other one.
More similar words: the other oneperonheronoperonzerothveronaperoneushyperonperonealOberonciceroneaileronpower onenter onneither onechaperonfurther onenteronchaperonelater ongeronimonumber onelooker-onhanger-onveronicaaeronautsoldier onpepperonideuteroncenter on
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